Our Policies
Health & Safety Policy Statement
The directors and senior management of SwiftSafyre recognise their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAWA), and accepts that high standards of health, safety and welfare are integral elements of an efficient business management objective and contribute to the personal operational efficiency and profitability of any business.
The company’s Health & Safety Policy details the procedures for ensuring compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: This will be achieved by maintaining control, monitoring, training and the supply of all necessary information.This is to ensure that a positive health and safety culture is promoted so far as is reasonably practicable and to protect the health, safety and welfare of its employees, customers, visitors and any other persons who may come into contact with, or be affected by its trading activities.
The directors will comply with the requirements of statutory acts, regulations, codes of practice and clients’ codes of practice where applicable. To this end they have appointed designated members of staff to be responsible for health and safety maintenance at the company.
Prime responsibility for health and safety lies with the managing director. The company recognises its liability for the acts and/or omissions of the managing director, executive directors and managers, provided such acts and/or omissions arise out of and in the course of company business.
The company has arranged insurance against liability for death, injury and/or disease suffered by its employees in the course of their employment and as a result of negligence and/or a breach of duty.
As a term of their contract of employment, all employees agree to comply with their individual duties and to cooperate with the company under the HASAW Act and associated legislation. Failure by any employee to comply with these duties can lead to dismissal from employment.
All employees are encouraged to take an active part in matters of health and safety. Employees are consulted directly on matters of health and safety, which may substantially affect them or their workplace.
In recognition of its duties under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR), the company has instituted a reporting system as well as maintaining an accident book.
The company recognises under the HASAWA and the Occupier’s Liability Acts 1957 and 1984, its duties to visitors to the company’s premises and to the general public at installation sites. The company will take appropriate action in the event of failure of such persons to take responsible precautions. The arrangements for ensuring compliance with the HASAWA are set out in the company’s health and safety policy.
A copy of our full health and safety policy is available upon request.